Money and power alone won t make america great

money and power alone won t make america great

I thought the President was suppose to have integrity,know about government, not cheat or lie, not be racist but fair,be smart,solve problems not create them. The aforementioned is quite relevant to the topic above. Suggestion: get informed, beyond this!

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Donald Trump used the rallying ameria «Make America Great Again» to propel him to victory in the presidential election, and it was such a success that he has already trademarked a follow-up phrase»Keep America Great! The story of its history is fascinating—and more ambiguous than our president would have us believe. In fact, Trump had applied for a trademark for the phrase in His application asked for exclusive rights to use it for » political action committee services, namely, promoting public awareness of political issues and fundraising in the field of politics ,» the Washington Post reported. Trouble is, Trump was not the first politician to use in. Ronald Reagan and George H. Tt NBC previously reportedClinton also used it at a campaign stop about a year later, when he asked voters » to make Qlone great again economically, educationally, and socially.

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money and power alone won t make america great
But it is hard to know what to make of those vague words. But the distribution of wealth has certainly changed: Inequality has widened significantly. Including the effects of taxes and government transfer payments, real incomes for the bottom half of the population increased only 21 percent from to That compares with a percent increase for the richest 1 percent, according to a new study by Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman. Fortunately, political leaders and scholars have been thinking about national greatness for a very long time, and the answer clearly goes beyond achieving high levels of wealth.

It was the slogan that he built a campaign on.

Donald Trump used the rallying cry «Make America Great Again» to propel him amreica victory in the presidential election, and it was such a success that he has already trademarked a follow-up phrase»Keep America Great! The story of its history is fascinating—and more ambiguous than our president would have us believe. In fact, Trump had applied for a trademark for the phrase in His application asked for exclusive rights to use it for » political action committee services, namely, promoting public awareness of political issues and don in the field of politics ,» the Washington Post reported.

Trouble is, Trump was not the first politician to use in. Ronald Reagan and George H. As NBC previously reportedClinton also used it at a campaign stop about a year later, when he asked voters » to make America great again economically, educationally, and socially.

Type keyword s to mame. Today’s Top Stories. Money and power alone won t make america great Vuitton’s New Uncut Gem. Aaron P. Bernstein Getty Images. President Trump speaks mone a campaign rally in Evansville, Indiana on August 30, Advertisement — Continue Reading Below.

More From Politics in Who’s Running for President in ? President Trump Is Impeached. Pierce Bush Is Running for Congress.

Hearts Of Iron 4: Modern Day — MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN

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Lost my faith? Wire service provided by Associated Press. That was the American miracle! Economics tends to be considered the most important human field. The machinery that comes out of those plants often ends up being shipped to developing countries, representing a gradual hollowing out of America’s manufacturing capacity. You all seem to hate each other. We have job openings everywhere you look in America. He is doing the same thing to the country that he did to his businesses, which is flushing them down the drain. Yes yes yes.
