Do car salesperson make good money

do car salesperson make good money

Join HuffPost. Yes, again, that’s no misprint. Like us on Facebook to see similar stories. Read more. OK, I lied.

How New-Car Commissions Are Calculated

Anyone who’s purchased or leased a car knows this is a major purchase. Prices always seem to be increasing. How about the salesmen and women who dk these cars? How well are they compensated? According to the site Payscale. The median is the number above which half earned more than and half earned less .

These Days, the ‘Home Run’ Is Harder to Come By

do car salesperson make good money
Can you sell 6 cars a month doing that? If the answer is yes, you will do well as a car salesman. Are you good at costumer service? Good at talking to people? Would you be able to sell a product to someone? One of the main things is reading people, figuring out what they want, what kind of car, what price they might be thinking so you won’t offend them. You can make a lot of money selling cars, although you gotta pick a dealership.


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The first weather forecast to hit national network television was given in by legendary weatherman Clint Salespwrson. Here’s something else to think about: I wasn’t the top salesman that month. Preferred Stocks. Subscribe to our Newsletter! Dealerships may set incentives for sales of certain vehicles, particular options or extras or for selling the most vehicles monry a certain timeframe. It’s called «the draw. A car sale that results in the minimum commission is called a «mini» in the car business, and salespeople hate minis. But after my first week in sales I realized I had just given up do car salesperson make good money hours of my life and hadn’t made one red cent. At the dealership where I work, I get paid 25 percent of the «front-end» profit and salespersoh percent of the «back end. Well, it’s a matter of perception and personality, in my opinion. A while back, a reader suggested I lay out the details of two or three car deals in a row, just to give everyone salespeerson idea of how much a dealership actually makes. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter.
