How much money does a medical coder make an hour

how much money does a medical coder make an hour

PayScale Index. In addition, many employers prefer to hire staff that have certification or have graduated from an accredited program. Skills that pay less than market rate include Billing. Is this helpful?

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How much money do doctors make? That range depends heavily on specialty. That said, the table and chart below should give anyone a solid idea of doctor pay. According to the U. Half the doctors in the country make more than the median and half make .

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how much money does a medical coder make an hour
Medical coders help to complete, review, and process medical claims to help physician practices and hospitals get reimbursed from insurance companies for services and facilities provided to patients. Each medical procedure and patient encounter has a number, or CPT code , associated with it which corresponds to another code for a diagnosis an ICD code. This helps insurance companies account for and track the money they reimburse to physicians and practices, to help prevent fraudulent medical claims or errors in payment. Medical coders need to work well with numbers, and also should have great attention to detail. While much of the job entails administrative tasks such as reviewing, processing and submitting medical claims, some interpersonal skills are necessary. At times the medical coder may have to obtain additional information from a physician or other medical provider in the office. Also, the medical coder may have to contact insurance companies regarding questions about claims.

How Much Doctors Make by Specialty: $174,000 to $413,000

Many metropolitan areas also feature higher pay rates for medical billers. Company Sizes. Medical Biller Jobs. Certified Medical Coder. New medical billers and coders xn look forward to a career that is filled with longevity and constant demand. By School. Coding Specialist 1, salaries reported. Find Jobs. Mayo Clinic Certified Medical Coder salaries — 1 salaries reported. Their knowledge of medical terminology and understanding of how to use the codebooks make the process a straightforward one. Dallas, Texas.
