Video making thrift stores make money

video making thrift stores make money

Selling products on eBay is a great side gig for anybody whether you are retired or a teenager. Save Money Explore. Widely known brands are often marked higher at thrift stores simply because the person who priced the item knew the brand was popular.

8 thoughts on “How to Make Money with Thrift Store Flipping”

What about storees Online Reselling. Review ebay clothing Hookedonpickin. Share on Facebook. Share on Google plus. I show you my trip to the store and everything I bought and I follow it up with a second video on how much I will make. Beverly Sinclair 2 weeks ago I would enjoy this type of video a lot more if the camera view was on your computer screen.

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video making thrift stores make money
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Learn How To Make Big Profits Selling Items From Thrift Stores

What about time? Online Reselling. Video making thrift stores make money ebay clothing Hookedonpickin. Share on Facebook. Share on Google plus. I show you my trip to the store and everything I bought and I follow it up with a second video on how much I will make.

Beverly Sinclair 2 weeks ago I would enjoy this type of video a lot more if the camera view was on your computer screen. Otherwise we are just watching you work. Just my 2 cents. Clare Thomposn 2 weeks ago Thanks for showing. I watch other thrifters who typically go for other kinds of items so this was very interesting. Happy New year to you and your family from New Zealand x. Fortysomething BadGirls 3 hours ago You guys are awesome.

Learned a lot. Thank you and god bless. Brittany Brown 2 weeks ago I been loving the daily videos! Edward Jackson 1 week ago Say I believe that Hawaiian shirt is a vintage Pierre cardin you just cheated yourself out of Real money. Bonnie Coakley 2 weeks ago Great info.

Gorilla Spawn 1 week ago Chasing pennies. Best of luck! Lynn Lopez 2 weeks ago There was a time after my ex left the ministry and me, that all I could afford was Goodwill. J Siegel 2 weeks ago Question, the profit you indicate is if the item sell.

Don’t you think you should tell people that when quoting «profit». Lynn Lopez 2 weeks ago Thrifters and Goodwill, Salvation Army are for poor people, not entrepreneurs. Every item that you made money on was something that an under privileged family could have used thankfully. When I donate I hope that my donations are helping children and families who are poor.

Imagine you are donating to the food pantry, and the food pantry is selling those items to resellers. Please leave the thrift stores stocked for this who need it.

I put thumbs down on. It hurts to see Goodwill becoming a golden egg rather than a last resort for someone down on their luck. I think instead how nice it would be to make sure someone out of work or disabled has a chance to give their kids presents and possibly to dress for a job interview. Ray A 2 weeks ago OR You could adjust your way of seeing things and see it as an opportunity and blessing that there is a way for you or anyone in your predicament to turn a little bit of something into a whole lot of money.

There’s nothing wrong with someone being an entrepreneur and reselling those items this is America isn’t it?? Alessa Apidae 2 weeks ago Heather and Paul donate so much to their food pantry.

I feel like that’s where underprivileged people should go to get items. Also Salvation Army typically allows the people they house to look through items before they hit the floor. Shopping these places are for anyone that wants items at a discount. These places typically donate excess items and profits to charity anyway, so her shopping and spending a whole lot of money does in turn help out underprivileged people in her area!

Marie owl 2 weeks ago The thrift stores near where I live love it when anyone shops in there stores, one of them even has a poster about how much product was saved from landfill. The ones near me donate a lot of their profit to families in need in the communities, so you are helping when you buy. Sometimes they have free eggs or bread, I would never take. Sonia Woods 2 weeks ago They aren’t hurting. Plenty of people thrift for profit as its a good way to make money.

So if you are down on your luck think about how much you can make selling. They don’t care as you’ve already bought it and helped that charity. Brittany Brown 2 weeks ago Goodwill and such litrally make money off of people buying donated things. Reselling has helped a lot of people who once couldnt even afford food be able to help take care of themselves and children.

Is picking worth the time, Online Reselling. Side table made from old oak beam. Hello Savers, Goodbye Goodwill! Thrift Store Adventures in Reselling. Online Re-selling. Thrifting Goodwills and Savers to Make Money! What did I find? I show you all the items.

Buying Options

I am kind of familiar how it works since I have a friend owning one somewhere in California and her thrift shop business stlres really working well for. There is strong demand for all kinds of video games. It varies from console to console, but you might make at least a little something! Your email address will not be published. We provide you the tools you need to scale this to a 5 or 6 figure business within 6 months. Anything With a Tag When making purchases to flip, a general rule of thumb is that if it has a tag, buy it. Ask if your local thrift store has a relationship with any retail stores. Have any good flipping stories you have? Kitchen and Household Collector Items 3. About Money Crashers. When perusing racks of paintings, look closely at the frames and choose videi ones in great thriftt. It is a great guide to start reselling electronics and gadgets on eBay and Amazon.
