How much money do computer repair shops make

how much money do computer repair shops make

Note: Depending on which text editor you’re pasting into, you might have to add the italics to the site name. You will need to purchase and maintain your own tools and testing equipment. It may be worthwhile for you to brush up on some business practices, such as keeping records for accounting purposes and taxes and creating a plan. Mobile Computer Repair Prices Most service technicians will come to you, and some of them have a business location you can drop your computer off at for repair at a lower charge.

Wages by Industry

The amount a computer repair technician can earn depends on where in the world the person is employed, and how the employment is organized, as well as the abilities of the technician. There is no money in this business and it is constant hassle and gepair. And that’s with just the degree, so you could be computeer and make the same amount of money as. I’ve been in this field for years. I’ve worked for multiple companies in many different capacities.

Salaries by Company

how much money do computer repair shops make
Computer repair technicians use various tools, such as power and cable testers and screwdrivers, to install and repair hardware and software on desktop computers. While some work at computer repair shops that target consumers, others specialize in commercial accounts, connecting employees to networks and repairing mainframes, laptops, keyboards and computer terminals. While many employers prefer hiring computer repair technicians with electronics training in the military or at vocational schools, the minimum requirement for this job is a high school education and some basic certification in computer repair. Training and certification options of shorter duration are available at other community colleges, technical schools or online. Other essential requirements for this field are patience, manual dexterity, attention to detail and analytical, communication and troubleshooting skills. A computer repair technician can earn more in certain industries.

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If you are mobile then this would be one of the first forms of advertising I would invest in. Computer Answers Computer Repair Technician salaries — 2 salaries reported. My 8GB is now. Author: Daniel W. Your Friendly Neighborhood Computer Guy says:. Not enough reports to show salary distribution.
