How can you make money off tax sale overages

how can you make money off tax sale overages

June 7, at pm. Are there that many properties around that are owned free and clear and are getting foreclosed by their respective city? John Free says:. I found out the money is still there at the clerks office in Comal County and the window to collect it closes after the first of the year in Thanks Sure. The county has rules in place where these excess proceeds can be claimed by their rightful owner — usually for a designated period of time which varies from state to state. To learn more about this simple, but lucrative business, join us on this FREE training.

Quick Overview

Seth Williams. When a property owner stops paying their property taxes, the local municipality i. Every county in the U. The information in hoow article can be impacted by regional legislation and other unique variables. One day — you decide for whatever reason to stop paying your property taxes. Eventually, a couple of years go by and the county treasurer comes in and seizes your property for non-payment of property taxes.

1. Many properties will never generate excess proceeds.

how can you make money off tax sale overages
Listen Later API. By Nick Fullmer. How To Profit. Tax Lien. Nick Fullmer.

Quick Overview

Listen Later API. By Nick Fullmer. How To Profit. Tax Lien. Nick Fullmer. Edit these tags. For more information on overages, surplus funds, and excess proceeds, check out our YouTube channel overage syndicate, as well as our Facebook group overages, excess proceeds, surplus funds, how to profit. To learn how to do these deals on your own, visit www. Talking to County officials in regards to tax sale overages, surplus funds, and excess proceeds Oct.

Doing overages in WA state Sept. Getting paperwork signed Sept. Expenses in The Overage Business Aug. Should I Hire An Attorney? July 25, How To Choose A Market. July 22, July 18, Monsy. Disclaimer : How can you make money off tax sale overages podcast and artwork embedded on this page are from Nick Fullmer, which is the property of its owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by Listen Notes, Inc.

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How I Make $10,000 /mo from TAX OVERAGES


Thanks again for all that you do! Hi Seth, First off, just ooff to say thank you for this blog. Plan B is to keep trying other counties until you find one that will work with you. February 3, at pm. Why would anyone owed this money take such a discount? Today I want to talk to momey about a topic not many people are too familiar with — Tax Foreclosures and a little known niche in the real estate industry called «Overages. March 7, at pm.
