How much money do real estate agents make a month

how much money do real estate agents make a month

Most people who are extremely wealthy never inherited their money or won the lottery, they made it themselves through business. Realtors tend to make significantly less money during periods when the real estate industry is in decline. Ben, you may need to check out my upcoming Ebook where I discuss what to do to make the Mooney in RE. We will assume the split is 70 percent to the agent and 30 percent to the broker. And while you may not have a boss watching your every move, that doesn’t mean you can always work just when you want — that is if you want to actually sell homes and lease apartments. I am looking to get my license and am doing a lot research on this field.

Real estate agents aren’t likely to be rich…but some are

The job of a real estate agent is easy, right? Show a few homes, pick up some nice commissions, set your own hours, and work on your tan. Well, not exactly. While estatr possible to make decent money selling homes, you’ll have to hustle for that money if you truly want to be successful. You’ll have to be comfortable being a free agent — able to work on your own without a boss breathing down your neck.

What Does It Take to Be Successful as a Real Estate Agent?

how much money do real estate agents make a month
Not all real estate agents earn the same amount of money. Agents enter the profession from all walks of life, with varying levels of education and motivation, and this can influence income. Some do it for the money, while others are attracted to the glamour, excitement, and challenges of selling a property. Others want to be part of a profession that helps others accomplish their dreams. Most first-year real estate agents earn very little, primarily because they’re struggling to learn the business while they build a client base. They can rely on referrals from satisfied clients to continue building their business as years go by, and they learn other ways to attract clients.

How much money do real estate agents make? (RANT)

Being a real estate agent is like running a business. However, I would greatly appreciate some more information. My name is Rex and i am from Los Angeles. Sky is the limit if your a solid sharp agent. Can i get this whole information by reading all of your books?. Focus on mwke and referral business from those relationships. Experienced agents earn top dollar In real estate, having more experience typically means wgents real estate agent will earn .
