How to make big money at a yard sale

how to make big money at a yard sale

It is a shortcut you may be tempted to take, but you’ll find that customers won’t want to ask about pricing and may walk away from an item that’s not priced. When it gets later in the day on Saturday, and it’s looking like you won’t sell much of the items you have left, this is a great time to consider accepting offers. Don’t Put a Price on Anything Figuring out what to charge is the most time-consuming and stressful part of garage sales, says Hammond. The benefit, though, is that you get to pocket all the proceeds. It will encourage people driving by to stop and also help people who are looking for your garage sale to find it successfully. Plus, if you treat your stuff like junk, people will offer you junk prices. Be open to bargaining but have in mind a number that you’d like to stay above, especially for larger items.

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Show less Everyone needs extra cash. Whether it’s for that new outfit you’ve wanted for like ever, or you just need some for your trip next weekend. The easiest way to make fast money is to have a yard or garage sale. You’ll be cleaning your room, earning cash, and having fun all at the same time! So get all your friends together, and make it an event! To create this article, 47 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time.

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how to make big money at a yard sale
But before you go sticking a sign in your front lawn, consider these tips for increasing your profits. Getting garage sale ready takes a little patience and prep work. But the profits will be worth following this simple process:. Do a speedy spring clean. Set aside one weekend to skim through your entire house. Look in closets and under beds, open every drawer and cabinet especially the junk zones where stuff goes to be lost forever , and spend some time getting to know the items in your basement. Keep a box handy.

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Show less Everyone needs extra cash. Whether it’s for that new outfit you’ve wanted for like ever, or you just need some for tto trip next weekend.

The easiest way to make fast money is to have yaed yard or garage sale. You’ll be cleaning your room, earning cash, and having fun all at the same time!

So get all your friends together, and make it an event! To create this article, 47 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article mmake also been viewed 73, times. Log in Facebook Loading Google Loading Civic Loading No account yet? Create an account.

Edit this Article. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Article Edit. Learn why people trust wikiHow. Author Info Updated: April 4, how to make big money at a yard sale Learn more Start by asking your parents for permission to have a yard sale in your front yard, or on the driveway so you don’t mess up the grass.

Or use your garage. Make sure you plan sael to move your items out of the garage that are not to be sold. If you don’t have a large enough yard, or your parents say noask your friends if you can have it at one of their houses. Make sure your friend has their parents’ permission too, no matter which house you set up at. Clean out your room about 2 weeks prior to the sale. Start going through your clothes, drawers, closet, and under your bed.

Gather everything you male want anymore. When searching bgi your clothes, if you haven’t worn something in 6 to 12 months, you can get rid of it, because you probably won’t wear it. Have your friends do the same thing. Ask your family to find things they no longer want. How to make big money at a yard sale moneyy put these things in a central box or place for you to sort later.

If they want money too, arrange a commission for your effort. You might even want to ask your neighbors for things they no longer want. Let them know it’s for your yard sale. Give people a good reason for wanting to raise money, such as saving for your summer trip or wanting to buy a laptop for school, and they may be even more helpful in donating items.

Decide a date and a time for the sale. Have the yard sale from AM. Make about ten posters saying when and where your sale is going to be. Make your posters large and bright so people will see. Each of you take a few, and hang them around your neighborhood. In addition to making posters, see if you can go to your local newspaper, and put an ad for your yard sale inside the paper. Mark everything you have to sell with the selling price, but not too high.

Get some change a few days before the sale so that you have it on hand for the day of your sale. Be sure to have coins for customer change. Make sure you have somewhere safe to put your money. Get a box with a lock. Each of you should have your own box. Make sure your items look presentable. If you want to sell an old bikes, try to clean it up a little bit. Nobody wants to buy or even touch items that are dirty and covered with mud. Check every item and make sure that they are clean.

Check all CDs and video games. If you are selling any CDs or video games, make sure they work. If your CD skips a lot, it is not recommend to sell this item at your yard sale. Same for videos games. Have a radio outside so your customers can check the quality of the CDs. Set up your tables and sort the clothes, CDs and books and whatever else you have to sell. Be sure to have bags, boxes and extra newspapers for packing items.

Each friend should have bib own things on their own table, so that they know how much money they are making. Make your yard sale look very presentable by having clothes racks for clothes and such so it doesn’t look like you’re selling a bunch of junk.

Increase the number of sales you make to each customer. Instead of just selling your old stuff, sell cups of coffee, lemonade, bottled water.

You can also make yar few new craft items, such as friendship bracelets. Keep your pets away from the yard sale. Many people are scared of pets or have allergies.

Keep your pets inside the house or put them in the backyard. Ask your neighbor or friends to watch your pet while you have the garage sale. Wait for your patrons to start arriving and give them your full attention. Please try not to talk on your cell phones with your friends during the sale. It can be considered extremely impolite and you may lose your sale.

Be friendly. Nobody is going to buy something from you if you look unfriendly or mean. Have a warm smile! Be careful of your body language. Use an appropriate tone while speaking to. Look approachable. This will make your customers feel more welcomed to your Yard Sale. Accept cash. Moneey checks are risky to your yard sale. Cash is the safest way to sell your items. Someone could easily give dale a false check.

Accepting cash will avoid future complications. There are certain markers you can buy that will make a colored mark on a bill verifying its authenticity. These markers can be purchased online. Yes No. Not Helpful 0 Helpful 5. Most likely not, but your neighborhood might require it, so I would check with your Home Owner’s Association if you have one.

Not Helpful 0 Helpful 3. Yes, especially if you don’t have a ton of different items to sell on your. Not Helpful 2 Helpful 5. What should I do if someone at my yard sale is acting weird or creepy? Keep an eye on them and consider going to talk to. If their behavior escalates in any way, then you may need to ask them to leave.

If they refuse, calling the police would probably be your best option. Not Helpful 3 Helpful 3. I would recommend focusing on advertising your yard sale to people who already live in your neighborhood; that will likely be the most successful option. I would make fliers for your yard sale and put them up around your neighborhood, saving a few to place on the nearest main road if possible.

Not Helpful 2 Helpful 2.

How to Make $1,000 with a Garage Sale!!

How to Prepare for a Garage Sale

So are those stories of garage sales that net four figures just suburban legend? Be Open to Bargaining. Make sure that there are one or two clear paths for people to take and that they won’t get «stuck» in any corners when other people are looking. Aka, bif to run your garage sale like a boss. People toting counterfeit bills sometimes turn up at garage sales, so turn down payments in big bills. If it’s more than one garage sale. Strategize how you can best group similar items together, leave plenty of room for walking, and station yourself in a visible spot—ready to answer questions and take money. Finally, there are some tips on how to close out your sale successfully, making as much money as you can during those last few hours of your yard sale. It will encourage people driving by to stop and also help people who salr looking for your garage sale to find it successfully. Then, in the description of your sale you can add details about what else you have for sale, like clothing, kitchenware, and sporting goods. Your shoppers will appreciate having one, and they may even buy more how to make big money at a yard sale since they have an easy way to carry them back to the car.
